Today we will discuss sliding doors and should you buy them see if they are a good addition to the interior design. Many people strive to make their homes more unique and artistic.
The attention to detail is the trick here. We have to constantly ask ourselves which element we can turn into a work of art. One such detail is certainly the doors.
Every house or apartment has them and having sliding doors instead of regular ones will indeed make your home more interesting. In this article, you will find everything that you need to know about sliding doors before using them in your home.
Advantages of sliding doors
Cool design
A door can easily become the main decorative element of a room. There are many different and interesting designs of sliding doors out there that can turn your room into a real jewel.
Maximizes limited space
Sliding doors are very suitable for small spaces because they don’t need the same area for opening and closing as regular ones do. This was also the case with my apartment. I wanted to put a regular door for the living room, but the space was very limited. That’s why I decided to put a sliding door which brings a very beautiful accent to the room. I am very happy with this decision!
Comfortable to use
Sliding doors are light and easy to use, but it is important to choose an appropriate sliding mechanism so you can spare yourself trouble in the future. Carefully examine the features of the mechanism and the weight it can carry, then choose the right door design and you will get a perfect and stylish combination.
Lots of décor styles
There are plenty of options when it comes to design. There are pocket sliding doors, sliding bi-fold doors, patio sliding doors, etc. You can choose from plenty of colors or different textures too, so there is no lack of variety.
Disadvantages of sliding doors
Less insulation
One of the negative sides of sliding doors is that they are not at all soundproof and thermally insulated, which makes them unsuitable for rooms where privacy is needed like in a bathroom or an office. But again, they are ideal for the kitchen or the living room and can bring a nice stylish touch.
Sliding mechanism
This type of door is installed with a sliding mechanism, which needs monitoring and regular cleaning. My sliding door has a black mechanical mechanism and cleaning it is an essential part of my cleaning routine. As I already mentioned, choose the right mechanism carefully because you can damage the wall and that will open up for you more problems.
The truth is that sliding doors are more expensive than ordinary ones. I was also surprised to find this out, but it is a fact. You have to pay for the door, mechanism and installation. Of course, you can always make a sliding door yourself: find an old door, paint it as you see fit in the right colors, buy a mechanism and pay only for the installation. You have to put your hands to work, but you will save yourself a lot of money.
I found out from friends that sliding doors are not very durable. They told me that after some years the rollers need to be repaired or the entire mechanism replaced. They wear out and opening/closing becomes more difficult.