This post is all about 8 ways to achieve industrial looking design
First, let’s start with what exactly is industrial design? It started after the year 2000 when large factories and industrial areas were being rented out for shops, restaurants, and even residential areas. The architects decided not to change the already finished structure, but to simply renovate and furnish it. This is how this modern style was born. You will read about 8 ways to achieve industrial looking design in your home today.
But of course, it is not necessary to rent an industrial factory to achieve this interior design in your home. You only need to know some typical design elements and put them into practice by combining them. For this purpose, I have created a list of how you can achieve industrial looking design.
8 Ways To Achieve Industrial Looking Design
01 | Exposed Brick walls
You can’t help but notice that the bricks are visible on a large part of the walls. Unplastered on purpose and exposed without decoration. This creates exactly that feeling of the past and coziness in the home. They are not disguised in any way, quite the opposite.
02 | Large Windows
The other thing you’ll notice immediately upon entering an industrial-style home are the really big windows which cover most often the wall from the floor to the ceiling, making the room so much brighter. Iron and rusted wood windows make this appearance phenomenal. It’s a detail you don’t want to miss when making your home in this style.
03 | Flooring
The floor covering should be made of polished concrete. It is a practical and economical option that perfectly fits the industrial interior. If you don’t like the concrete floor, you can replace it with wood – the older it looks, the better the effect.
04 | Colors
Warm, neutral colors are usually preferred for industrial-style homes, which tend to be large and open. They help create a sense of visual warmth in the space that is otherwise easily neutralized by the coolness of metal pipes and concrete. To achieve the wanted effect, a mix of gray, black, and wooden colors can be used. These are a wonderful base on which to decorate and furnish, and that’s exactly the next thing on the list.
05 | Furnishing
There are many ways to decorate in an industrial style. You are not as limited as you think. Have you noticed anyone putting in leather and tube furniture lately? And other velvet and colorful ones. Still, others use rustic. This is because the industrial design allows you to furnish the way you like, and why not even with Scandinavian-style furniture.
06 | Open Installations
You don’t have a truly industrial design until you have open installations such as lamps, pipes, ventilation, cables, etc. This is one detail in the home that cannot be missed. It could be done in a way with partially spotted cables close to the ceiling or pipes in the corner between the walls. It depends on the space you have!
07 | Lighting
Light also plays a role here. You should not overdo it by making the room too bright or too dark. So it’s best to soften the design with warm ambient lighting. You can mix the old design with the new technology, which is a very good hit. Currently, there are many good lamp designs available for both ceiling and floor that could add to the design.
08 | Details
As you can imagine, most of the small details are in dark colors – black, gray, rustic, etc. To complement the effect of the industrial design, it will be good to direct the details to a darker range of colors. What do I mean? Items like faucets, lamps, some accessories, appliances, and even small furniture. Every little detail is of great importance to the finished look.